Friday, December 4, 2009

invoice finance

There are many components to a successful business in the current information age. Two of the more useful ones are factoring and invoice finance. The proper utilisation of these forms of money management and acquisition can easily improve the cash flow of any business, or start-up enterprise.
How to Improve Cash Flow With Factoring and Invoice Finance
Author: Jack Mason
What exactly are factoring and invoicing financing? Many people confuse the two in a slightly misguided belief that they are in fact the same business method. However, they are not. Factoring at its most basic is the short sale of accounts receivable at a slight discount to an institution that wishes to purchase said accounts in an effort to make money on their investment. Invoice financing is a short term loan based on using the account receivable as collateral. Factoring allows for the quick acceptance of cash on an outstanding account receivable. This means that the business owner has been paid much sooner for a transaction that may have required weeks, to a few months, to complete normally. They take a slight payment hit in the form of the discount granted to the purchaser, but they have immediate cash to continue their business concerns. This is an exceptional aide to any business, but is extremely useful for small to moderate size businesses and new start-ups. With invoice financing a loan equal to a portion of the account receivable is generated and granted to the business owner. Generally the loaner, as well as companies that purchase discounted accounts receivable, do not care about the credit rating of the company that is acquiring the loan. They will instead focus on the company or entity that owes money to that company. This is due to the fact that it isn't the business that is requesting the loan that is in credit based doubt. The doubt will lie with the one that owes that business money. Since the collateral for the loan is the money owed to the business this is the primary concern credit wise for the lender. There are companies in existence that focus on this aspect of business as their primary enterprise. They specialise in acquiring new accounts receivable at a discount or with lucrative lending practices and have become a vital force for the small to moderately sized business. Even larger more established companies utilise these services regularly in the current market. With invoice finance or factoring service on tap, any business with reasonable sales and a client base that is known to actually pay money owed can maintain a steady cash flow. Instead of running short mind month like so many smaller businesses tend to do, a business with factoring contacts can maintain a steady flow of currency and continue to grow in a steady and relatively safe manner. There are two items to be concerned about in this type of business transaction both of which revolve around payment actually being rendered by the account that owes money to the business. If a business sells an account receivable at a discount, but the money is never sent or is somehow lost in translation the business owner will be liable for refunding the money to the purchaser. Similarly with an invoice financing contract, the company that acquired the loan will continue to be liable for money owed in accordance with that loan, and all its accompanying interest whether the account receivable is paid or not.
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About the Author:
jack writes articles on cash flow solutions such as factoring and invoice finance

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

make money online

Had any good online money making ideas lately? Have you come up with the next best thing to sliced bread? Chances are that you haven't (and neither have I). However, I am fortunate enough to have tapped into some resources that with give you some great ideas.
Online Money Making Ideas:Try These Today!
Author: Peter Grimes
Had any good online money making ideas lately? Have you come up with the next best thing to sliced bread? Chances are that you haven't (and neither have I). However, I am fortunate enough to have tapped into some resources that with give you some great ideas. The online world, like the offline world, has plenty of people who claim that they have the latest and best and smartest and easiest way of getting, being or doing something. Then depending on their skill in being able to persuade you into "buying into" their ideas as to whether or not you follow down that particular path. The real answer is not in the availability of opportunities for online money making ideas but rather in being able to identify those that you consider are the real deal and which feel like a good fit for you (including what I have to offer!) That is the wonderful part of the online world, opportunity abounds at the click of a button. However, it can also be a reverse blessing you can say because of the vast amounts of opportunities and the challange to be able to sort the wheat from the chalf. I would suggest that you take a step back at this point and ask yourself the following question. "For what purpose am I looking at ways to make money online". Until you know the reason why then it is pointless in finding a business that can provide you with any such opportunity. I guess it is a little like taking a drive in a car without first deciding on a destination and then stopping along the roadside and asking yourself "How did I get here in the first place and why?" For me, to earn more money wasn't simply enough reason. I have some dreams at back of all of this that only can be achieved and realised by being successful with an online business opportunity. And the only way I can be successful is to help enough other people to reach their goals and dreams. As to the methods, well, these too are almost as vast as the opportunities they represent. However, again I have a few favourites for online money making ideas. The very first is article marketing, exactly what I am doing right now with this post. I am marketing directly to you in the form of this article and sharing some ideas for making money online. The reason I like article marketing so much is that it offers the chance to express in words the true feelings and intent of the marketing and service process. For me, I like nothing better than to help others succeed. Sounds a little simplistic to some but it is the absolute truth. I take great pleasure in being able to assist others in their quest for making money online. The second favourite of marketing methods and one that ties in closely with article marketing is that of blogging. I guess it is very similar in a lot of ways and you can also use the same material with both mediums to achieve maximum effect and impact online. Maybe again it is the opportunity to be expressive or creative that so appeals, to sit at a keyboard and type out some words can give you such a feeling of achievment. You too can be successful with in your own home based business by employing these free marketing methods! And finally, I also like video marketing. The idea here is to pick perhaps 2 or 3 main points that you wish to share with your audience and to share these in a relaxed and informative manner. It also gives your prospective client or partner a chance to see as it were the real you. That you are a real person and not some automated robot. By combining the above 3 methods into a close knit formular and presented in the correct manner, you too can benefit from these online money making ideas. Folks, you see, it doesn't have to be difficult to make money online, no not at all. In fact, you can be successful in a matter of a few days to a week in you apply yourself and take onboard some mentoring and support. Take a look at the rest of the infornmation available here and then make a decision and get started. To Your Consistent Online Success! Had any good online money making ideas lately? Have you come up with the next best thing to sliced bread? Chances are that you haven't (and neither have I). However, I am fortunate enough to have tapped into some resources that with give you some great ideas. The online world, like the offline world, has plenty of people who claim that they have the latest and best and smartest and easiest way of getting, being or doing something. Then depending on their skill in being able to persuade you into "buying into" their ideas as to whether or not you follow down that particular path. The real answer is not in the availability of opportunities for online money making ideas but rather in being able to identify those that you consider are the real deal and which feel like a good fit for you (including what I have to offer!) That is the wonderful part of the online world, opportunity abounds at the click of a button. However, it can also be a reverse blessing you can say because of the vast amounts of opportunities and the challange to be able to sort the wheat from the chalf. I would suggest that you take a step back at this point and ask yourself the following question. "For what purpose am I looking at ways to make money online". Until you know the reason why then it is pointless in finding a business that can provide you with any such opportunity. I guess it is a little like taking a drive in a car without first deciding on a destination and then stopping along the roadside and asking yourself "How did I get here in the first place and why?" For me, to earn more money wasn't simply enough reason. I have some dreams at back of all of this that only can be achieved and realised by being successful with an online business opportunity. And the only way I can be successful is to help enough other people to reach their goals and dreams. As to the methods, well, these too are almost as vast as the opportunities they represent. However, again I have a few favourites for online money making ideas. The very first is article marketing, exactly what I am doing right now with this post. I am marketing directly to you in the form of this article and sharing some ideas for making money online. The reason I like article marketing so much is that it offers the chance to express in words the true feelings and intent of the marketing and service process. For me, I like nothing better than to help others succeed. Sounds a little simplistic to some but it is the absolute truth. I take great pleasure in being able to assist others in their quest for making money online. The second favourite of marketing methods and one that ties in closely with article marketing is that of blogging. I guess it is very similar in a lot of ways and you can also use the same material with both mediums to achieve maximum effect and impact online. Maybe again it is the opportunity to be expressive or creative that so appeals, to sit at a keyboard and type out some words can give you such a feeling of achievment. You too can be successful with in your own home based business by employing these free marketing methods! And finally, I also like video marketing. The idea here is to pick perhaps 2 or 3 main points that you wish to share with your audience and to share these in a relaxed and informative manner. It also gives your prospective client or partner a chance to see as it were the real you. That you are a real person and not some automated robot. By combining the above 3 methods into a close knit formular and presented in the correct manner, you too can benefit from these online money making ideas. Folks, you see, it doesn't have to be difficult to make money online, no not at all. In fact, you can be successful in a matter of a few days to a week in you apply yourself and take onboard some mentoring and support. Take a look at the rest of the infornmation available here and then make a decision and get started. To Your Consistent Online Success!
Article Source:
About the Author:
Peter Grimes is a husband & father, entrepreneur, success coach, and online marketing specialist. He is a committed Christian who enjoys mentoring others to success online.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Online Services

Being an editor in chief of a very popular blog, I sometimes wondered about how I could make money online. I registered for many different "make money online" promotions with no luck. Then I stumble upon iNetGlobal. Finally, a product online that lets me make use of my time on the Internet surfing sites and getting paid to do it. iNetGlobal has given me a unique set of services that place my business and blog "top-of-mind" on the Internet.

iNetGlobal: Online Business
Author: Donald W.R. Allen,II
I would like to take the time to tell you about iNetGlobal . iNetGlobal is the fastest growing internet marketing firm in the United States . Being a member of iNetGlobal gives you the opportunity to surf the internet and actually get paid while viewing websites from across world. Founded in 1998, iNetGlobal has grown from its humble beginnings as a small local ISP to one of the top Internet Service Providers for business in the world today specializing in online advertising. iNetGlobal makes you a one-man-or-woman online marketing agency. With over 50,000 active “members" from around the world (and growing), iNetGlobal is one of the fastest growing Internet Companies with second generation products and services that are second to none. The United States economy is in the tank. Thus small business is the key to stimulating growth, building wealth and gaining financial independence. The iNetGlobal business model is focused on providing essential internet services for individuals and small businesses who market online. Why, you may wonder, am I telling you this? The World Wide Web is now the most effective and powerful conduit for transmitting information in existence. In 2008, the United States tracked every step of its presidential election on the internet. V-Mail is one of iNetGlobal’s impressive offerings. V-Mail lets users customize and design email campaigns. It has been proven to be more functional, user-friendly, and economical than iContact or Constant Contact . Paulette Patton, a California-based florist and iNetGlobal member, utilizes V-Mail daily to send promotional offers to her database of over 50,000 subscribers. Patton says, "I love having the ability to dump emails into my V-Mail account and send out information in seconds. The templates are easy to use and I am able to send out unlimited emails without hassles or additional fees." With ACESSE – iNetGlobal’s own search engine, this Internet Marketing firm will expand at an alarming rate in the months to come. Give ACESSE a wurl – make it your home page. The results you need are right there! The “essential services” of iNetGlobal for a business or organizations would be, V-Webs - a website URL registration point and design arm of iNetGlobal able to build blogs, website and customize your internet presence to your terms and conditions. With the ever expanding online search directory V-Local , not only can your business be listed on V-Local but with iNetGlobal’s V-Submit , your business is submitted to over 60 of V-Local partner sites. A one-stop-shop for your businesses top-of-mind presence on the Internet. iNetGlobal members like me are able to surf the web – get this, and get paid for viewing up to 200 sites or the minimum required sites for that day - :20 seconds per site, easy! The iNetGlobal model gives users the ability to become independent internet marketers. With iNetGlobal, we are the Internet Solution Partners. Sign up today and become part of the Wave !
Article Source:
About the Author:
Donald is the editor in chief of the Independent Business News Network and a iNetGlobal member.

Friday, October 30, 2009

social media

Employee performance is affected by a constant interplay of perceptions, emotions and motivations which is triggered by workday events and goes largely unnoticed by managers.
Inner Work life is Key to Unlocking Performance Enhancements
Author: Lee Smith
Some time ago Harvard Business Review published an article entitled ‘Inner Work Life: Understanding the Subtext of Business Performance’. If you’re interested in the psychology of work – and of communication – it’s well worth reading. Its authors, Harvard professor Teresa M. Amabile and researcher and writer, Steven J. Kramer, have undertaken in-depth research looking at what employees are thinking and feeling while they are at work, why it matters and how managers can use this information to improve performance. The pair recruited nearly 250 professionals from a variety of organisations, who between them represented 26 individual project teams. They then asked each person to complete a daily diary entry and, through the duration of the project, collected more than 12,000 of these in a standardised format. Their mission was to discover the hidden dynamics of work life – specifically employee’s emotions, perceptions and motivations - and to uncover its impact on performance. The results underline the phenomenal influence line managers can have on inner work life and, by implication, on organisational performance. So what happens inside the mind of an employee? The researchers argue that employee performance is affected by a constant interplay of perceptions, emotions and motivations which is triggered by workday events and goes largely unnoticed by managers. Perception – or employee sense making – can be about the work itself (its meaning, value and what needs to be done), the self (the individual’s role, confidence, status, etc), the team and the organisation. Emotions – reactions to workday events – are easier: happiness, pride, warmth, love, sadness, anger, frustration, fear. These two elements drive an employee’s motivation to work. This study reinforces the findings of recent research in neuroscience, which has shown a strong linkage between emotion and cognition. The brain is a system which, rather than processing inputs in a series of compartments, does so in a complex, interconnected, holistic way. The research shows that people perform better when their experiences at work include more positive emotions, stronger intrinsic motivation and more favourable perceptions of their work, team, leaders and organisation. There’s much more to this study that could be covered here – like the finding that employees were over 50% more likely to have creative ideas on the days they reported positive emotions than they were on other days. Indeed, emotion was found to have a significant impact on creativity, productivity, commitment and collegiality. The article concludes that great managers do two fundamental things – they enable their people to move forward in their work and they treat them with dignity and respect. Specifically, they provide help and support, commit adequate resources, set and communicate clear goals and paint a compelling picture of the future. They say thank you, they avoid pointless criticism about trivial issues and they treat people as human beings.
Article Source:
About the Author:
Lee Smith is co-founder and director of Gatehouse, an internal communication agency, consultancy on internal communications , internal comms, employee communication, research, audit, internal communication jobs , change management and employee engagement.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Online Business

Business franchising arrangements are usually conducted on the basis of a particular geographic area or territory. The franchisee breaks up the licensing of his business between different franchising territories, to ensure there’s no overlap of competition between franchises and to geographically grow the business nation wide or even world wide. Usually, the territory you are assigned is yours with exclusivity against any other business franchising agent that might otherwise move in to your area
Franchising Territories
Author: vipin
Business franchising arrangements are usually conducted on the basis of a particular geographic area or territory. The franchisee breaks up the licensing of his business between different franchising territories, to ensure there’s no overlap of competition between franchises and to geographically grow the business nation wide or even world wide. Usually, the territory you are assigned is yours with exclusivity against any other business franchising agent that might otherwise move in to your area. This ensures your business franchising opportunity is given a chance to grow within your local area without having to compete with other franchisees. But how important are business franchising territories, and does it matter which territory you are assigned? Business franchising territories are a handy way of dividing up franchising licenses. Rather than sending a dozen franchisees out into the world without consideration as to where they would operate would be difficult, and thus business franchising territories can be a great way to divide up the rights and responsibilities of each particular franchise. Business franchising territories are also beneficial for the franchisees, as a means of confirming their particular operating area and on their rights and responsibilities as regards that geographic area. Business franchising territories, although obviously important from a practical point of view, are absolutely critical to the success of your business. If you were selling, say, cups of coffee to passing pedestrians, the territory you’ve been assigned will determine whether you can shift 100 or 10,000 cups every morning, depending on the physical number of people in the area – it’s that important to your business success. But in a number occasions, franchisees are given no choice over the exact territory of their business franchising agreement. In the event that there is a choice, it’s important to research which area would be most beneficial to the success of your business, and to come up with solid business reasons for selecting a particular territory. Take this one step further, and before signing up to any business franchising agreement conduct some market research within the territory you will be assigned. Get down to the area and ask passers by whether or not they’d like to see your franchise in the area, and whether or not they’d be likely to make use of your franchise, were it located in that territory. That way, you can become more clued up about the potential market within your particular territory to determine whether or not your business franchising agreement will provide good value for money. Business franchising territories are obviously an important part of the business franchising agreements, and they can also make a significant difference to the success or failure of your business. Where a choice of territories is available, it’s perhaps best to consider your options carefully, and it’s certainly a crucial consideration when reviewing any business franchising opportunities. However, provided there is a market available within your local area for the product or service offered by the business franchising license, you should be able to make the most of any territory to which you buy business franchising rights.
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About the Author:
For more useful tips & hints, please browse for more information at our website :-

Sunday, October 4, 2009


If you are planning on joining a networking organization, here are a few things you should probably know.
Business Networking – Some Important Tips
Author: ben maffin
While the seasoned business man or woman will know the advantages of networking, those newer to the game will not always know what they should be doing or how they should be doing it. When you are thinking about spending your hard earned cash on a networking event, you need to think about some important questions. A good business networking event is a cost efficient way of increasing the potential number of customers. A bad one wastes your time and money. Will it increase your sales funnel? The only reason you should be networking is to increase the amount of sales you have coming into your business. If your sales do not increase then it’s a social occasion not a networking event, go out with your friends instead. BNI Indigo allows you to hand out as many business cards as you want every week to the other members of the Chapter and their visitors. It increases your potential client exposure and who knows, maybe one of the BNI Indigo Chapter members might need your services?! ‘Givers gain’ plays a large part of the BNI Indigo networking philosophy. This is where other members of the BNI Indigo Chapter actively suggest you to their business colleagues and friends effectively increasing the amount of people who know about you. There’s not many other networking events which do this How much commitment do you need? Time is money. If you are in an ineffective networking event you could be somewhere else making money or getting more clients. At BNI Indigo you only need to attend once a week, and if you cannot make it there is usually a substitute available. Why be somewhere else though when you could be actively promoting your business?! How much business will you get? This is really important and something you should always ask the network event. Always find out what the average return of investment is per business. BNI Indigo has an excellent return of investment. Will you enjoy it? This is a simple question. The more you enjoy something the better you are at it. BNI Indigo has a good group of professional and friendly people. New members and visitors alike are made to feel welcome and encouraged to pass out as many business cards as possible. Conclusion Not all business networking organizations are alike. Some will merely want to take your money off you and leave you to get on with the networking yourself. BNI Indigo supports their members and offers training on how to get the most out of networking events.

Article Source:

About the Author:
Ben Maffin is a 31 year old entrepreneur who after reading Physiology and then Law in Bristol now lives in Oxton, on the Wirral Peninsula.

Since forming MBL Design Limited, Ben Maffin has worked with some of the largest companies in the UK including Camelot Group, Boots Retail International and Cadbury Trebor Bassett

Adopting a 'hands on' approach Ben Maffin has project managed large database developments including the UK's most comprehensive piece of online Claims Management software which has been developed by MBL Design.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Tips to Start A Home based Business

The rating of the home business income can be pretty high than you can ever expect. The home based business is something that every person would love to do. Of course who would not love to be one’s own boss and have a flexible time to work? But this job is not suited for everyone. For this job you will have to be quite focused and ready to work harder.
How To Choose The Right Home Based Business income Opportunity?
Author: John Goldman
The rating of the home business income can be pretty high than you can ever expect. The home based business is something that every person would love to do. Of course who would not love to be one’s own boss and have a flexible time to work? But this job is not suited for everyone. For this job you will have to be quite focused and ready to work harder. Many people think that they can earn greater amount of profits from the home based business income and that too without doing anything. The truth is that you can earn a lot but you will have to put a little effort and time. There are quite a lot of legitimate ways of earning profit from the home based business. If your income for the home based business is not where you though then, you just have to use some tips to increase the rate. When you are thinking of taking this opportunity always choose the filed which you are interested in. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing then, forget about what you will earn. How to choose the right home based business income opportunity Finding an opportunity for the home based business income may seem quite daunting at first but if you put your imagination it is not that difficult. Once you get hooked things will start to get easy. All you need is a little preparation, planning and great ideas. You will find a lot of option in selecting a home based business income opportunity. The right home based business income opportunity will be the one that interest you a lot. If you love to write then, you can take a lot of freelance writings. You can write articles, blogs and content and there are lots of companies who are ready to pay for that. For any avid players you can get a lot of new video games companies who will pay you to test their games for bugs, ease of use, glitches and lots more. You can even start a catering service if you love cooking or how about a day care center. Tips to remember There are some tips that you can take to boost your home based business income. Sometimes people think starting of home based business is quite easy but you need to remember certain things. One of the biggest mistakes that most people make is that they do not focus on one thing at a time. First just do what you have to do and when you getting quite successful you can think of branching out. If you are thinking of opening a branch then make sure that the current business model is automated in some way. Another mistake that most people make is that they don’t treat the home based business as business but as a hobby. That way they don’t focus more than they ought to. If you want to succeed and earn more profit in your home based business income then, you have to give a full commitment to it.
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About the Author:
John Goldman is a leading provider Of several business opportunities and ideas.Access hundreds of free resources by visiting John Goldman's Business Opportunities Page

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Team Builder of the South

Get specific on what you expect from your business.

Are You Getting The Success You Want Out Of Your Business?

Author: Cookie Tuminello

"All my life I've wanted to be somebody, but I see now I should've been more specific." - Jane Wagner, Playwright Every business is started based on a dream. We get a great idea for a super product that will help thousands of people, or have a desire to share our knowledge with others so they’ll enjoy a better life. But the bigger question is, what do you really want out of your business? Let me explain. Do you simply want to be the manager – the head honcho of your company? Do you want to be the team leader who motivates others to create a successful business? What is the tangible end result you want to achieve as you go forward to create your empire? Like the quote above says, who is that ‘somebody’ and what do they desire? What does that elusive word ‘success’ actually mean to you? When I first started coaching, I just wanted to help people be successful. Right! That was about as clear as mud. It's no wonder it took me so long to get where I was going. And yes, I would whine because I didn't get what I wanted. Imagine that. Thank goodness, I have had excellent coaches and mentors who taught me that if you want to get somewhere in your life, you're going to have to get a lot more specific if you want to get there. You're going to have to start asking different questions than the ones you've been asking. Here's are some hard hitting questions for you to answer this week that will help you get specific about the direction you want your business or your career to take. You want to be content and have your business sales soar! Okay, what does that look and feel like? Does contentment involve more ME time or more fun? What do you need to do to see your bottom line prosper? Create new products or offerings? Get your action plan in place. Will your quest for success allow you to be in tune with your Core Values? If you're not sure what core values are, give me a call. I can help. What actions will you have to take to get there? Do you need to further your own education to get the results from your business that you desire? Remember this: you can’t be a perfectionist and do it all by yourself, or you won’t be around to enjoy your success. What kind of support would you need and from whom? Do you have the right people on your team, or do you need to source out some of the more complicated tasks to an expert? How committed are you to getting there? Are you just hoping that it will all work out or are you taking direct action and doing whatever it takes to reach your goals? Either you’re in this for the long haul or you might as well throw in the towel right now. Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is? You've got to be willing to do the work, and make no mistake about it, growing a successful business IS work! Walt Disney may have created Tinkerbell, but she certainly didn’t wave her magic wand and create his empire for him! Are you starting to get the picture? The road is not as hard or as long when you know where you are going and you get really specific. Try it and see what happens.

Article Source:

About the Author:
Cookie Tuminello,‘THE Team Builder of the South,’ has been empowering CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members and igniting productivity since 1999. To find out more about this sassy, savvy and successful coach, get her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed To Empowered” and receive FREE weekly success tips, visit

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Brand strategy

A brand’s logo is possibly the most defining aspect of the brand itself. We have come to equate a single logo with an entire brand’s mission and purpose. Graphic designers call making logos “visual identity” projects, because they are essentially creating the identity of the brand and the people behind it. There are some obvious examples that are always circulating—Nike’s…

Top 5: Innovative Brand Logo Designs

Author: Sparxoo

A brand’s logo is possibly the most defining aspect of the brand itself. We have come to equate a single logo with an entire brand’s mission and purpose. Graphic designers call making logos “visual identity” projects, because they are essentially creating the identity of the brand and the people behind it. There are some obvious examples that are always circulating—Nike’s “Swoosh” can also represent a check mark for “Just Do It”—there are many others that deserve recognition. Another example is Google, known for their clever logo illustrations on holidays and important events in history. In this week’s top five, we’re exploring some of our favorite innovative and creative logos.

1. Big 10 Conference

big10.jpgThe Big 10 conference has some of the most recognizable team names in college sports. It is no wonder that their logo is recognizable as well. At first, it may seem like your typical block lettering. Upon closer look, you can see the number 11 in between the “T,” to represent that there are actually 11 teams in the conference, despite its name. This technique uses the negative space to provide a bigger meaning.

2. Pepsi

pepsi.jpgPepsi’s recent rebranding efforts have brought about mixed feelings from the public. With a 27 page in-depth report about the thought process behind the new logo, it still isn’t getting much praise. Still, there is one aspect that shouldn’t be overlooked—the sphere. If you study it closely among all the different Pepsi beverages, the sphere is actually different on each one. The reason? They’re supposed to be subtle hints at emoticons. Smiling and laughing, the spheres represent emotions, perhaps emotions that are meant to be evoked while drinking a Pepsi product? We’re not sure, but they still deserve some credit for such an innovative idea.

3. Heart Beats

heartbeat.jpgThis logo for a small music store packs three messages into one, while still remaining simple and easy of the eyes. The heart in the middle is formed by two music notes, which are also made to look like headphones. It conveys the company’s love of music in a very user-friendly way, something that many companies strive for but can’t quite match sometimes. The colors also go well together, with the eye-catching headphone graphic pulling you in at first glance.

4. Madrid Olympics 2016

madrid.jpgThe Madrid Olympic committee opened up a contest for logo design in 2007 and had the public vote on the final designs. The winning logo incorporates the colors of the well-known Olympic rings, but in an interesting twist. The hand, bursting with color, waves “Hello” or “Welcome” to Olympic visitors. It even has a name—“Corle.” The white cut-away on the bottom...

To read more about innovative brand logo designs and see the logos, go to Sparxoo, a digital marketing, branding a business development blog.

About the Author:

Sparxoo is a business blog that inspires breakthrough by tomorrow’s leaders. We are a strategy consulting firm with a pulse on marketing, branding, and development.

Article Source: - Top 5: Innovative Brand Logo Designs

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Airfoil Centrifugal Fans are used for a wide range of applications in many industries, hollow-bladed airfoil fans are designed, engineered and tested for use in airstreams where high efficiency and quiet operation are required. They are used extensively for continuous service at ambient and elevated temperatures in forced and induced draft applications in the metals, chemical, power generation, paper, rock products, glass, resource recovery, incineration and other industries throughout the worl

Centrifugal Fans vs Axial Fans

Author: Siouzanna Terlitskaia

Airfoil Centrifugal Fans are used for a wide range of applications in many industries, hollow-bladed airfoil fans are designed, engineered and tested for use in airstreams where high efficiency and quiet operation are required. They are used extensively for continuous service at ambient and elevated temperatures in forced and induced draft applications in the metals, chemical, power generation, paper, rock products, glass, resource recovery, incineration and other industries throughout the world.

Backward Curved Fans – Efficiencies nearly as high as the airfoil design. However, single-thickness metal blades prevent the possibility of dust particle buildup inside the blade. These fans can be built with long-lasting erosion-resistant liners. The robust design allows high tip-speed operation, and therefore this fan is often used in high-pressure applications. This design frequently offers the best compromise for long life and high efficiency.

Backward Inclined Fans – Simple flat blades, but backwardly inclined to match the velocity pattern of the air passing through the fan wheel, which results in high-efficiency operation. These fans are typically used in high-volume, relatively low-pressure, clean air applications.

Radial Blade Blowers – Flat blades oriented in a radial pattern. These rugged fans offer high pressure capability with average efficiency. They are often fitted with erosion-resistant liners to extend the rotor life. The housing design is compact to minimize the floor space requirement.

Forward-Curved Radial Tip Fans – This rugged design is used in high-volume flow rate applications when the pressure requirement is rather high and erosion resistance is necessary. It offers medium range efficiencies. A common application is the dirty side of a baghouse or precipitator. The design is more compact than airfoil, backward curved or backward inclined fans.

Paddle-Wheel Blowers – This is an open impeller design without shrouds. Although the efficiency is not high, this fan is well suited for applications with extremely high dust loading. It can even be offered with field-replaceable blade liners from ceramic tiles or tungsten-carbide. This fan may also be used in high-temperature applications.

Forward-Curve Fans – This “squirrel cage” impeller generates the highest volume flow rate (for a given tip speed) of all the centrifugal fans. Therefore, it is often the smallest physical package available. It is commonly used in high-temperature furnaces.

Industrial Exhausters – Relatively inexpensive, medium-duty, steeply inclined flat-bladed fan for exhausting gases, conveying chips, etc.

Pre-engineered Fans – are series of fans of varying blade shapes that are usually available in only standard sizes. Because they are pre-engineered these fans may be available with relatively short delivery times. Often, pre-engineered rotors with various blade shapes may be installed into a common housing. These are often available in a wide range of volume and pressure requirements to meet the needs of many applications.

Pressure Blowers – High-pressure, low-volume blowers used in combustion air applications in furnaces or to provide “blow-off” air for clearing and/or drying applications.

Surgeless Blowers – High-pressure, low-volume blowers with a reduced tendency for “surging” even at severely reduced flowrates. This allows extreme turndown (low-flow) without significant pulsation.

The main types of Axial Flow Fans include:

High-Temperature Axial Fans – High-volume fans designed to operate against low flow resistance in industrial convection furnaces. These are found in either single-direction or bi-directional designs. Extremely rugged, they are most often used in high-temperature furnace (up to 1800 degF) applications.

Tube Axial Fans – Cataloged high-volume low-pressure fan line with a wide range of available sizes. Suitable for temperatures up to 250 degF.

Vaneaxial Fans – Axial flow fans with higher pressure capability due to the presence of static vanes.

Variable Pitch Axial fans – Axial fans with manually adjustable blade angles. This allows operation over a much wider range of volume/pressure relationships. The blades are adjusted periodically to optimize efficiency by matching the blade pitch to the varying conditions for the application. (Often used in mining applications).

Variable Pitch on-the-fly Axial Fans – These are similar to “Variable Pitch Axial Fans” except these include an internal mechanism that allows the blade pitch to be adjusted while the fan rotor is in motion. These versatile fans offer high-efficiency operation at many different points of operation.

Variable Speed Fans – All of the fans described above can be used in conjunction with a variable speed driver. This might be an adjustable frequency AC controller, a DC motor and drive, a steam turbine driver, etc. Flow control by means of variable speed is typically smoother and more efficient than by means of damper control. Significant power savings (with reduced cost of operation) are possible if variable speed fan drives are used for applications that require reduced flow operation for a significant portion of the system operating life.

For additional information please refer to

Susan Terlitski
Designer of Industrial Process Ventilation Equipment
Canada Blower

About the Author:

Canadian air-handling systems designer.

Mrs. Siouzanna Terlitskaia,
Canadian Air Systems

Article Source: - Centrifugal Fans vs Axial Fans

Sunday, September 13, 2009

seth godin

Seth Godin explores the concept of tribes, how they are growing and becoming a major player in the market, and the need for leaders who can help the tribe strengthen. Find out how, as a sponsor, you are the leader of a tribe--your business team.

Lead Your Tribe. Key Points from the book, Tribes, We Need You to Lead Us, by Seth Godin

Author: Yolanda

I just finished reading the book Tribes, by Seth Godin. I found this book fascinating. It’s about how groups form into tribes and how tribes are leading the changes that are happening in our world. It’s also about the need for leaders to help tribes strengthen. (I purposely did not use the word grow, because size doesn’t necessarily mean better or stronger).

A tribe is a group of people who stand together on a common issue or belief. The difference between a tribe and a crowd is that a tribe has leadership and a means for communicating.

Seth spends quite a bit of time talking about tribe leadership. The beauty of tribe leadership is that it can be shared. Sometimes one person has the lead, the next time someone else has leadership. It’s kind of like people within an organization who are not the officially designated leaders, but are because they have the respect and dedication of their colleagues.

The concept of tribes applies to the team you build as prospects join your business. You are their leader. Something about you attracted them to you. As their leader, your role is to guide them, direct them, and encourage them to become leaders in their own right. After all, they’re creating their own tribe as people join under them.

When you first have a few people in tribe, it’s easy to keep in contact with them. But once your team gets bigger, you need to find other way of communicating. Options include emails, teleconferences, or webinars. You can use these to inform, train, exchange ideas, and discuss issues and problems.

Here are some points about tribes that are important to consider as you’re building your team--your tribe:

- Tribes challenge the status quo. Building a business is going against the status quo of getting a good education, getting a good job, and living happily ever after. The status quo will resist and oppose you and your team. The tribe is your support.

- Tribes are global. An online business is global. The Internet made the world local. You can reach people from all over the world.

- Tribes have belief and faith. Building an online business takes belief and faith. You have to believe in the business, believe that you can build it, believe that others can build it, and have the faith to take action on those beliefs.

- Tribes are a niche; they have a common belief, interest, or cause. Your target market is your niche. Understand their interests and needs. Show how your business can support their interests and meet their needs. Tailor your internet marketing to your niche.

- Tribes are about connection. People joined you in business because you attracted them (connected with them at some level).

I highly recommend you read this book. It will help you see your team with a different set of eyes. You’ll better understand how to cultivate and strengthen your tribe and will reap the reward by seeing your business grow.

When Seth wrote his book, he invited people to write an ebook about tribes. It’s free. You can get it here:

Happy Business Building,


About the Author:

Yolanda Allen is a retired Air Force officer and online business owner. Read more from Yolanda at her blog, http://OnlineBusinessPlankOwner. You can learn more about Yolanda’s online business from her business partner, Michael, a top producer, at Enter your name and email address to get a complimentary business overview. Find out if this is the business that can help you earn the income you need to design the lifestyle you want.

Article Source: - Lead Your Tribe. Key Points from the book, Tribes, We Need You to Lead Us, by Seth Godin

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

UK business directory

There is so much unspoken promise that swirls around the idea of starting a small business in the UK. The reality, however, is that in order to join the ranks of those who have successfully taken then step from worker to business owner is more than the dreamy-eyed picture that you can imagine over a lunch meeting.

Starting a UK Small Business

Author: Gen Wright
There is so much unspoken promise that swirls around the idea of starting a small business in the UK. The reality, however, is that in order to join the ranks of those who have successfully taken then step from worker to business owner is more than the dreamy-eyed picture that you can imagine over a lunch meeting. This means that your consideration to start a small business requires an investment that is designed to last some time.

You have had the idea in your head for awhile and you believe it would be a valuable service or good to provide to people. When you are ready to eat, sleep, drink and live the plan, it's time to start taking the necessary steps to move your idea from concept to fruition. It is easier than it has ever been to explore your small business idea but it does not mean the idea is right for the people. Do the research. It is the first and most important step.

How many people are already providing the goods or services you want your small business to offer? Is the market already saturated in the area where you want to open up shop? These are some of the questions you must answer before any money leaves your hand to start the setup process of a small business. You need to know the neighbor and community at large where you want the business to be located. Is there growth potential for a larger establishment if you outgrow the one you've set your sites on? Is there another location to consider if the one you have your eye on is not right for your small business?

Even before you set out to have a sit down with a mentor, you can start this important research on your own time. Make a list of the reasons you want to have your own small business. Chances are you are thinking of the great profits it will make and the freedom you will have to make your own decisions about how the business goes. With such freedom and profitable potential however, there is the greatest responsibility attached.

At the onset, starting and setting up a small business may provide very little freedom in the way of personal time. There are many strings attached to the setup process and there is only a support system if you set this system up at the very start. Decisions to be made will abound and they will all rest on your shoulders. For some this may be truly liberating and for others it may be very frightening. Proper planning and research is like the comfort of a shoulder to lean on or a hand to hold as you take these life changing steps towards small business ownership.

On the list, incorporate the pros and cons of starting a small business. If there are more disadvantages to the idea, seek to revise the idea to balance the scale in favor of positive advantages to starting your own small business. Anyone can open up a store front business with a few pounds, but to achieve success over the long run as a small business owner takes savvy and know how.About the Author:

The Best of United Kingdom website is your one-stop resource for business directory information. This is the premiere UK business directory you

Article Source: - Starting a UK Small Business

Thursday, September 3, 2009


If you have ever wondered how to make money on the very popular digital marketplace known as Clickbank, then you have found the source. My goal is to get you making some money and then having you brag to your friends.

Get Started Making Money With Clickbank

Author: Maria Fairham

If you have ever wondered how to make money on the very popular digital marketplace known as Clickbank, then you have found the source. My goal is to get you making some money and then having you brag to your friends.

Clickbank is the largest online marketplace for digital products, most notably, e-books and electronic services such as web hosting and web design. There are "Publishers" and "Affiliates." Publishers are the people that have a product to sell and have created a sales page to promote and sell this product. Affiliates are people who promote a publishers product with their own website or blog etc. Affiliates, in return for their hard work, get a percentage of the sale, also known as commission.

Signing up at Clickbank as an affiliate is free and takes just a few minutes. Publishers have to pay a fee to be allowed to sell their product, but that's another article. We are going to focus on affiliate marketing. To get started sign up for free at Clickbank under the affiliates tab and within minutes you'll be done and ready to go. You may want to create a separate e-mail address (Yahoo Mail or Gmail) to handle your online business to keep things simple. Once you have signed up at Clickbank, open up another window in your browser and go to any blogging site (Blogger, Word press etc.) and sign up for free there as well. Go back to the Clickbank window and look in the upper right-hand corner and you will see "Marketplace," click to go to the marketplace and you will see different categories and sub-categories. The key here is to find a product that you are interested in and that you would consider buying.

An example would be, I am interested in aquariums and tropical fish. I would then browse through the Clickbank marketplace and find an e-book provided by a publisher about aquariums and tropical fish. Under each publishers product, there is a link that says "Create Hoplink." Once clicked it will then ask for your nickname (which you would have filled out while signing up for Clickbank) after entering your nickname and continuing on, you will then be provided a "hoplink." Copy the hoplink and then go back to the blogger window.

In blogger, create a new blog with the name similar to the product you are promoting. A tropical fish e-book product could be called "supersawesometropicalfish." Once created, write in your blog as much as you know about the product your promoting. You can gather information about it with articles and other web pages or books. Just make sure that it is your own writing. Copying other people work will only lead to trouble. Include the link from Clickbank in your blog and Viola!! You now have a published blog promoting a product that can generate income. There is no limit how many different blogs and products you can promote. Once you are done celebrating, you need to start thinking about how you are going to get people to view this blog. The more people that view this blog, the more sales you are likely to generate.

The option that I have found effective is article marketing, EzineArticles is a great source to write articles about what product you are promoting. I do want to stress that you can't write a huge sales pitch and expect a lot of views. You need to actually produce quality content that make people want to continue on to your blog (which you can promote in the "resources" box.) Other options on promote your blog is through You Tube, MySpace, Facebook, Free Advertising Online and finally your very own website. The great thing about articles is that people can publish them on their pages or blogs and you get even more exposure.

About the Author:

Learn the amazing system used by a clickbank newbie to generate thousands in his first 4 weeks in the CB Pirate Review

This methods within will shock you when you see how productive it can be: Download Cb Pirate

Article Source: - Get Started Making Money With Clickbank

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mini projector

This article makes an introduction to the Mini projector which is very useful and convenient for many friends.

Your Best Friend --- Mini projector

Author: shopofdeal

As a businessman, you have to meet your customers from time to time. And in order to make a perfect introduction about your products, you have to carry a big bag full of data. However, this data is far from perfect. It cannot completely show all the features of your products. In this case, if the customers can provide you with a projector, you can display your elaborate video. With a perfect video embodying all the information, you can perfectly make your customers know your products. However, will all the customers provide you with the projector? Of course not. Then, what can you do? What if carry a projector with you all the time?

In your spare time, you must be willing to stay at home. But you really want to watch a film. Yes, you can watch a film on TV or on your computer. However, the small screens like the TV and computer cannot satisfy you. What a difference in the house and in the cinema! What if a projector with screen from 15 inches to 100 inches? Bigger or smaller, at your choice! There could be no better if you have admirable acoustics at the same time. You are in your own “cinema” then. But, how expensive the projector is! And it takes too much room in your house, doesn't it?

During the vocation, it is wonderful to camp out with your good friends. You may very possibly record every interesting thing with your DV in the daytime and you could hardly wait to share it with your friends in the evening by a projector. But unfortunately, there's no electricity outdoors and the projector cannot work. If only the projector could work with batteries!

It was set down as an impossibility before. However, people work miracle --- Mini-projector was born.

The Mini-projector lense uses cold White LED as the light source for the rear projection screen. With compact function and size, it's nearly the same size of the remote headphones, less than half an inch (13 mm) thick. The service life of the bulb is over 20,000 hours. With this bulb of 30lm, the projection on the screen is very clear.

Like the trodictional projector, Mini-projector supports AV interface. It is of Color reproduction --- Full 16.7 Million Colors. With resolution of 800*600 Pixels (VGA), the projection scope could be as large as 100 inches.

The connecting terminals include TV/DVD/PMP/DV/DC/PSP & ALL with AV out device. With 2GB internal memory, it supports external memory up to 32GB. Multiple connecting terminals and huge memory satisfy all your needs.

Video compatibility includes MPEG4,AVI,RM,RMVB,FLV,WMV and ASF; picture compatibility includes JPG, BMPand GIF; while Audio compatibility includes MPEG1-3, WAV, WMA, APE, FLA AND AAC. It supports all common formats.

With power source of 12V-2A, dimension of 113mm*78mm*34mm (L*W*H) and weight of 400g, Mini-projector is the same size of a mobile phone. Isn't it very convenient to for you to carry? It supports electricity and battery. And it supports 14 different languages, satisfying customers from different countries. shopofdeal supplies the Mini-projector.

About the Author:

Article Source: - Your Best Friend --- Mini projector

Sunday, August 23, 2009

ethical issues

In order to survive, a business needs to maintain its customers. Product packaging is one way of ensuring a business maintains its existing customers and also acquire new customers.

Ethical Issues That Affect the Success of a Business

Author: Belsheba Nyabwa

Ethics refers to a prescribed or accepted code of conduct. Ethical issues are a set of moral values that need to be addressed while carrying out business. Businesses operate in a society that is structured around moral values. Therefore, when conducting its operations, a business has certain responsibilities which are to provide the society with quality goods and services that will improve the people's living standards.

In order to survive, a business needs to maintain its customers. Product packaging is one way of ensuring a business maintains its existing customers and also acquire new customers. Some companies are known to allow underweight packaging of products which are then highly priced and this is a rude way of increasing profits. However this negative trend will affect the business in the long run as customers will eventually come to learn that they are being swindled.

In an attempt to boost sales, some businessmen adapt promotional methods that mislead customers as the message conveyed may not give the exact details of the product.

Businesses should desist from increasing prices without valid reasons. In doing so, they will be taking advantage of the customer and this is unethical. Businessmen should also desist from taking part in corrupt practices such as selling low standard goods while bribing government officials in order to continue operating. Entrepreneurs should consider the effects of their activities on the society they serve.

In the long run, wrong dealings and corruption will tarnish the image of the business and have a negative effect on sales. Business people ought to comply with the law requirements and observe laid down principles of morality in their dealings. They should seriously consider expectations of the community they serve.

About the Author:

Belsheba is a business management expert. She researches and studies on big and small business strategies. Website: Business Management Solutions for efficient business operation.

Article Source: - Ethical Issues That Affect the Success of a Business

Friday, August 21, 2009

online business

Top earners in network marketing represent only 3% of people in the business. They are the cream of the crop and they all possess the necessary ingredients to create their own recipe for success.

Network Marketing "Top Earner" Secret Sauce

Author: Brian Horwitz

Top earners in network marketing represent only 3% of people in the business. They are the cream of the crop and they all possess the necessary ingredients to create their own recipe for success.

It starts with persistence. Not the kind that makes cold calls at odd hours in a desperate attempt to close a sale. It's the kind or persistence that pushes top earners to do what needs to be done to effectively generate a constant stream of leads from their blogs, videos, and articles. It's what drives them to learn the necessary skills for a Web 2.0 world and push long and hard enough to realize massive residual income.

Add equal portions of motivation and creativity. Motivation is what adds flavor to everything you do. Whether it's a desire to quit your 9-5 job so you can spend more time at home with your family or a desire to be a top earner who can retire all that much sooner than most people, you simply have to feel a compelling reason to do extremely well in network marketing. It's not a hobby. It's a way of life.

Creativity, on the other hand, allows you to reach as many people as possible. Traditional networking marketing and MLM used to rely almost exclusively on word-of-mouth and close family and friends to get going. That's a limiting approach that won't bring in the numbers you can and should get from using the Internet. Get creative and tap into online social networks on MySpace and Facebook. Be part of online communities that share videos on YouTube or have common interests and aspirations on Twitter. Create interesting content for your blog that attract the kind of prospects that matter. The network marketers who can tap those online marketing tools will be miles ahead of their competition.

Next, add heaping tablespoons of leadership into the mix. Be generous with your leadership. Leadership isn't about showing people who the boss is, but giving them someone they can look to for direction, inspiration, motivation and advice. Be THAT kind of leader and your network will not only be huge, it will also be loyal - solving the problem of high attrition that usually spells the downfall of most network marketing efforts.

Finally, throw yourself into the pot to create the ultimate secret sauce for success. "You" are the only thing that differentiates your product or service from a lot of other people marketing the same things and following the same recipe. You are the ingredient that cannot easily be copied. Without a healthy dose of you in the mix, your marketing message will sound generic, like apple pie from the supermarket when people are expecting home made. It's no sacrifice to put yourself whole heartedly into your work. There will be considerable benefits for those willing to take the plunge and become a top earner.

Invest in yourself. Have the persistence to work on personal development daily. Find the motivation that will inspire greater creativity in your work and you'll soon be recognized for the leader you truly are. The end results are amazing. Can you taste it?

About the Author:

Brian and Krysti Horwitz are professional Internet Marketers that coach hungry entrepreneurs how to use free and paid advertising online to seriously profit in business. They are the authors and creators of BulletProof Marketing, a “must-have” lead generation training tool for any network marketer, home business owner or entrepreneur. Gain access to their Free training right here: BulletProof Marketing

Article Source: - Network Marketing "Top Earner" Secret Sauce

Monday, August 17, 2009

Home Business Success

The Twitter web interface is being updated all the time, but once you get over 2,000 followers, the web interface will be a little overwhelming. So now is the time to take advantage of many Twitter tools that will make the job of "managing" your twitter account much easier.

How To Use Twitter Tip #4 – Using Twitter Tools

Author: Devon Brown

The Twitter web interface is being updated all the time, but once you get over 2,000 followers, the web interface will be a little overwhelming. So now is the time to take advantage of many Twitter tools that will make the job of "managing" your twitter account much easier. is fairly popular. It allows you to line up your Twitter feed through columns. You can have a "search" function column for your name, business, or keyword you choose. You can set up a column for Tweeters you enjoy reading (called Groups) and there’s a column for Mentions. A Mention is when someone has used the @ reply with your username. This column is the handiest because it tells you who sends you a message or if others are having a conversation about you.

This tool also incorporates a Shorten URL and integrates with Facebook (a great addition to your marketing) There are many Twitter Managers out there, and you can of course outsource the managing of your account, but I recommend and use TweetDeck. is probably the friendliest webpage to see who is following you, who you're not following, and who you're following but they're not following you. One of the best ideas is for you to "unfollow" those who are not following you back (use this wisely and even then don’t do it everyday!). Tweepular is a great tool for being able follow (or unfollow) large groups of people with just one click (as opposed to doing it manually) is a service to upload your images and Tweet them. They hold your images under your username so it turns into a photobook basically. Adding pictures to your tweets is a great way to help build a good relationship with your followers. And Tweetpic is definitely the service to use if you want to make that happen! - You can check on your Twitter statistics through here. Statistics such as

- how many tweets you've done per day
- how fast your list of followers is growing
- how you rank in your local area
- how you rank with regard to number of followers
- and several more is also another tool you can use to check on your Twitter statistics.

There are a lot of tools out there for your Twitter account. I highly suggest using them to track your success on Twitter, see trends, and also develop new connections in Twitter. The Twitter tools will help organize you so it won’t seem as overwhelming!

About the Author:

Devon Brown (a.k.a “The Success Renegade”) is one of the most talented young speakers and success coaches in the mlm & home business arena. His powerful information is helping home business entrepreneurs finally achieve the success they deserve and desire. Learn more about Devon and take advantage his FREE Home Business Success Tips by visiting:

Article Source: - How To Use Twitter Tip #4 – Using Twitter Tools

Saturday, August 15, 2009

making money online

Imagine being able to generate income regardless of your location and time zone? In this article we'll talk about an increasingly popular way to do just that.

Making Money Online Whenever You Want, Why It's Worth Considering

Author: Fernando Morales
Making Money Online Whenever You Want, Why It's Worth Considering Imagine being able to generate income regardless of your location and time zone? In this article we'll talk about an increasingly popular way to do just that. With the state of the economy being what it is right now, money is definitely becoming harder and harder to come by. If you are a homeowner, you know the difficulties associated with keeping up with your mortgage payments as well as insurance and maintenance costs. The squeeze is definitely on and unless you are able to secure a higher income for yourself, the pressure will continue to get worse. Many people are struggling to keep their jobs and as things continue to drudge along, more and more companies are tightening their belts in hopes of riding out the storm without having to go out of business. Unfortunately this means that they will have to cut back on their employee head count. Just about every family has two working parents nowadays. Gone is the luxury of relying on one income coming in, now you and your spouse have to work in order to keep the bills from piling up and overwhelming you altogether. This leads us to consider how you can develop an income by making money online. E-commerce is rapidly expanding despite the financial woes people are facing today and it only makes sense that in order to survive these difficult times, it's time to start considering the internet as a source of income. A particularly important point to consider is the fact that you don't have to work 24 hours a day in order to generate income online. However by establishing a presence on the world wide web you are positioning yourself to profit around the clock. Setting up a business that caters to a specific need that individuals the world over are concerned with and looking for a solution for can be an incredible way to start making money online whenever you want regardless of the time zone people are in. Have you considered the thought of starting business online but felt that maybe it would be to difficult to do? Do you think that it would take more brain power than is necessary from you to create an autopilot income that never sleeps and works around the clock for you 24/7? You would be surprised to find out just how easy it is to start and maintain your own business online without the trouble of having to get a p.h.d. to do it. If you would like to get more information about making money online without risking any out of pocket expense visit: the Author:

You would be surprised to find out just how easy it is to start and maintain your own business online without the trouble of having to get a p.h.d. to do it. If you would like to get more information about making money online without risking any out of pocket expense visit:
Fernando Morales is an internet marketing consultant who helps people establish profitable businesses online.

Article Source: - Making Money Online Whenever You Want, Why It's Worth Considering

Marketing Business Cards

Does your business card actually do what it is supposed to do? Do you have business cards that work hard to accomplish your goals? Do you carry a business card that amply represents you and your company?

Tip for Powerful Marketing Business Cards
Author: Katie Marcus
Does your business card actually do what it is supposed to do? Do you have business cards that work hard to accomplish your goals? Do you carry a business card that amply represents you and your company? Your business card is a representation of you and your business. Your business cards are the very first things that your target clients would have to get to know you. Your business card reflects the brand that is YOU. That is why printing business cards are very important in every marketing arsenal that a business has. However, as much as any marketer and business owner would deny it, people often forget who you are after every gathering or even right after you have given them your business card. In the excitement of the event that your recipients attended, 90 percent of the time they would forget about you especially when they have also talked with so many business owners like you. The only thing that can jog their memory is your business card printing. However, what if when printing business cards you included insufficient information about yourself? Worse, you have not been able to design your cards to express the unique personality and service you have. It is time for you to look at your business card printing and evaluate what you have in your card. Does it identify you according to your brand image? Does it reflect the kind of business you are in? Even after a few months or even a year later you have given out your card, will it be able to give your recipients the information to help them remember you. Your business cards are reflections of you. It sells who you are that’s why you need to have enough information in there to identify who you are and what you can do for your target clients. It tells of your expertise and line of work. Your business card printing allows your recipients to have a glimpse of what you do and how you can help them with their needs. As a rule, the ones you give your cards to do not always have the same business or even the same job as you do. Hence, your message in your business card should be able to pique the curiosity of anyone who happens to receive your card. This means conveying a general message that is simple, clear and easy to understand even by someone who may not have the need for your kind of service at the moment. The bottom line is that printing business cards should be about you and your business. Your business card should reflect the brand that is you, that even after a few weeks or months thereafter, your recipients can easily recognize and remember you from the information you have in your cards. Know more about the printing business cards or business card printing technologies used by businesses for their marketing and advertising campaigns.
Article Source:
About the Author:
Katie Marcus writes information about printing company and printing technologies.