Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Team Builder of the South

Get specific on what you expect from your business.

Are You Getting The Success You Want Out Of Your Business?

Author: Cookie Tuminello

"All my life I've wanted to be somebody, but I see now I should've been more specific." - Jane Wagner, Playwright Every business is started based on a dream. We get a great idea for a super product that will help thousands of people, or have a desire to share our knowledge with others so they’ll enjoy a better life. But the bigger question is, what do you really want out of your business? Let me explain. Do you simply want to be the manager – the head honcho of your company? Do you want to be the team leader who motivates others to create a successful business? What is the tangible end result you want to achieve as you go forward to create your empire? Like the quote above says, who is that ‘somebody’ and what do they desire? What does that elusive word ‘success’ actually mean to you? When I first started coaching, I just wanted to help people be successful. Right! That was about as clear as mud. It's no wonder it took me so long to get where I was going. And yes, I would whine because I didn't get what I wanted. Imagine that. Thank goodness, I have had excellent coaches and mentors who taught me that if you want to get somewhere in your life, you're going to have to get a lot more specific if you want to get there. You're going to have to start asking different questions than the ones you've been asking. Here's are some hard hitting questions for you to answer this week that will help you get specific about the direction you want your business or your career to take. You want to be content and have your business sales soar! Okay, what does that look and feel like? Does contentment involve more ME time or more fun? What do you need to do to see your bottom line prosper? Create new products or offerings? Get your action plan in place. Will your quest for success allow you to be in tune with your Core Values? If you're not sure what core values are, give me a call. I can help. What actions will you have to take to get there? Do you need to further your own education to get the results from your business that you desire? Remember this: you can’t be a perfectionist and do it all by yourself, or you won’t be around to enjoy your success. What kind of support would you need and from whom? Do you have the right people on your team, or do you need to source out some of the more complicated tasks to an expert? How committed are you to getting there? Are you just hoping that it will all work out or are you taking direct action and doing whatever it takes to reach your goals? Either you’re in this for the long haul or you might as well throw in the towel right now. Are you ready to put your money where your mouth is? You've got to be willing to do the work, and make no mistake about it, growing a successful business IS work! Walt Disney may have created Tinkerbell, but she certainly didn’t wave her magic wand and create his empire for him! Are you starting to get the picture? The road is not as hard or as long when you know where you are going and you get really specific. Try it and see what happens.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/leadership-articles/are-you-getting-the-success-you-want-out-of-your-business-1255604.html

About the Author:
Cookie Tuminello,‘THE Team Builder of the South,’ has been empowering CEO’s, managers, business owners, and team members and igniting productivity since 1999. To find out more about this sassy, savvy and successful coach, get her FREE Report “50 Ways To Go From Overwhelmed To Empowered” and receive FREE weekly success tips, visit www.cookietuminello.com